Curriculum Vitae

Currently CV around 1 year behind so resume.pdf is deprecated.

General Information

Full Name Sidong Guo
Languages English, Japanese, Chinese


  • 2022-2024
    Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, US
  • 2018-2022
    Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, US

Research Experience

  • 2024-
    Research Assistant
    Telecom, Georgia Institute of Technology
    • ACDIS Research Group
      • Information-theoretic Joint Sensing and Communication
  • 2024-
    Graduate Research Assistant
    Center of Signal and Image Processing, Georgia Institute of Technology
    • Chirp-based Multicarrier Modulation System
      • Characterized the adaptive modulation channel capacity for OCDM-based systems and corresponding power-loading solutions.
      • Developed an CFO estimation and compensation algorithm to guarantee identifiability in OCDM systems.
      • Derived exact multipath diversity of DAFT-based chirp systems with both linear and non-linear equalizers.
      • Designed a chirp phase-shift precoding scheme for modified OCDM systems and a subcarrier grouping method for efficient maximum diversity and coding gain achievability.
    • Lattice Reduction Aided Equalizer and Algebraic Number Theory
      • Characterized the performance of lattice reduction aided linear equalization for OTFS systems with corroborating results.
      • Designed element-based lattice reduction over eisenstein integers.
  • 2021-2022, 2023-
    Telecom, Georgia Institute of Technology
    • ACDIS Research Group
      • Agile Communication VIP, OFDM based Localization Wi-Fi Localization Using SDR
  • 2022 -2022
    Undergraduate Research Intern


    • MATLAB, HTML, C, Assembly, Python, markdown, VBA, C++, VHDL, Git, $$\LaTeX$$.
    • Multisim, Quartus, Ansys HFSS, Eagle, Pytorch

Academic Interests

  • Wireless Communication
    • Chirp Multicarrier System
    • Joint Sensing and Communication
  • Signal Processing
    • Lattice Reduction
    • Algebraic Number Theory for Communication
  • Information Thoery

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: Chess, Gwent, Tennis, Philosophy and Law