Yorushika Song List
- Yorushika Background
- Song List
- 春泥棒(Spring Thief):
- 嘘月(Liar):
- だから僕は音楽を辞めた(That’s Why I Gave Up on Music):
- 花に亡霊(Ghost in a Flower):
- ノーチラス(Nautilus):
- 雲と幽霊(The Cloud and the Ghost):
- 靴の花火(Firework Beneath My Shoes):
- 憂一乗(Only Sorrow):
- ただ君に晴れ(Just a Sunny Day for You):
- 六月は雨上がりの街を書く(In June, I Write About the Town After the Rain):
- 都落ち(Leaving the Capital):
- 藍二乗(Deep Indigo):
- チノカテ(Chinokate):
- アルジャーノン(Algernon):
- 斜陽(Setting Sun):
- 左右盲(Left Right Confusion):
- あの夏に咲け(Blooming in That Summer):
- 風を食む(Eat the Wind):
- 盗作(Plagiarism):
- 老人と海(Old Man and The Sea):
- パレード(Parade):
- 雨とカプチーノ(Rain with Cappuccino):
- 晴る(Sunny):
- 心に穴が空いた(A Hole Opened Up in My Heart):
- エルマ(Elma):
- 又三郎(Matasaburo):
- 花人局(Flower and Badger Game):
- 思想犯(Thoughtcrime):
- ヒッチコック(Hitchcock):
- カトレア(Cattleya):
- 夜行(Night Journey):
- 負け犬にアンコールはいらない(Losers don’t need an encore):
- 言って(Say it):
- Honorable Mentions:
- Arts
This post is a work in progress, I am adding couple songs from time to time.
Yorushika Background
This is a short introduction about the ヨルシカ musicverse, to better help understand some of the lyrics. Basically ヨルシカ is a Duo composed of composer N-buna and vocalist Suis. The duo is very secretive and their personal information is not public knowledge. In general, I only like the work people produce, not investing in their persons, so their philosophy is very much of my liking. Their albums is that usually the tracks within an album feature a continuous storyline, sometimes the storyline extended across two albums. For instance:
The エルマ(Elma) storyline is spanned across two albums: だから僕は音楽を辞めた(That’s Why I gave up on music) and エルマ(Elma). Here is a guide to the complete story about these two albums.
The Plagiarist storyline also has two albums: 盗作(Plagiarism) and 創作(Creation). Again This is the guide to the complete analysis about the plagiarist storyline. It is actually quite important to at least read the abstract to understand the lyrics and by an extensions, songs.
夏草が邪魔をする(The summer grass is getting in my way) is an earlier mini-album, the story is explained in this post
負け犬にアンコールはいらない(Losers don’t need an encore) is another mini-album.
Below are the corresponding album covers, note that the latest album Magic Lantern, is still not completed:
Song List
The actual list begins here, the songs are in fact ranked in my decreasing order of preference, though it has to be said, all the ones listed here are good. This is my own rendering of the translation, and some accompanying images from fan arts, where all art credits go to lima. I restrain from trying to explain what each song means, because I think it is up to your own interpretation, although what is objective, is that each song is a part of a storyline and I will point that out where necessary.
春泥棒(Spring Thief):
Easily the best song for me, so much range, MV for this song is also top-notch.
Only a little bit left
I can now count the flowers left
Only two flowers left
Just one flower left
ただ葉が残るだけ はらり
Only the leaves are left now
今 春仕舞い
At this moment, spring has come to an end
The final song of 創作(Creation) album and also the final song to the Plagiarist storyline. This song is also used in the anime movie 泣きたい私は猫をかぶる. The titular 夜になって行く of this blog comes from here, also my second favorite ヨルシカ song.
I have forgetten the look of your eyes
And I can't picture the shape of your mouth
I am unable to say a single thing
I am no longer still waiting for you
I can't recognize your nose
And I can't even think of your cheeks
Without even the shortest of farewell
Your image gradually fades into the night
だから僕は音楽を辞めた(That’s Why I Gave Up on Music):
Possibly the most famous ヨルシカ song, also the song that got me into ヨルシカ. This is the titular song and final song to だから僕は音楽をやめた album, and also the third best ヨルシカ song imo. The lyrics and tones are absolutely amazing, and Suis’ rendering is also impeccable.
I am probably not wrong
There's no way I am wrong
Surely I am not wrong?
間違ってるんだよ わかってるんだ
And yet I know I am wrong, known it all along
I don't really care though, about either humans,
or truth, or love, or redemption, or kindness, or even life
Not being able to give right answers is just a defense mechanism
どうでもいいや あんたのせいだ
I don't care anymore, everything is your fault
Even if I had faith before
Now it's as insignificant as the dust
I wrote to you time and time again
That I didn't care about whether I'd be rich or famous
It's the truth
I promise it's the truth
It has always been that way
So that's why
That's why I gave up on music
花に亡霊(Ghost in a Flower):
This song is also used in the anime movie 泣きたい私は猫をかぶる as the main theme. This is final song to the 盗作(Plagiarism) Album.
Tell me more, the meaning of words
Tell me when we need to say goodbye
Still, right now, I can see it:
What I see through a flower in summer is the ghost
Not about the words, but the time
Not about the time, but this heart
I’m taking a shallow breath
wiping the sweat off to be summer-like
Conclusion to Amy and Elma storyline, the MV is strongly recommended, and watching it makes me appreciate more this song. Canonically it’s about Elma going on the same journey across Europe that Amy went through one year ago and recollect old memories. There are many good lines, I am not sure which ones to pick.
雲と幽霊(The Cloud and the Ghost):
The final song to 夏草が邪魔をする, the canonical lore states that the band name ヨルシカ(Yorushika) comes from here.
Now I can only sleep at night
靴の花火(Firework Beneath My Shoes):
The penultimate track of 夏草が邪魔をする album and also imo the second best in the ablum. After some reconsideration I think it might be better than 雲と幽霊.
朝焼けた色 空を舞って
Dancing across the sunrise-colored sky
What do I wish for? It's such a foolish question
I've forgotten it in becoming an adult
But your reflection in my eyes makes it difficult
憂一乗(Only Sorrow):
The most sorrowful song from an artist that only writes sorrowful songs
I really wanted to leave everything behind and escape
人生は透明だ 水圧で透明だ
Life is so transparent, so transparent due to pressure
If it's more certain than a mirage then I'm fine
適当でもいいから 目的とかいいから
Even if it's mediocre, even if without a purpose
このまま何処でもいいからさ 逃げよう
Just like this, anywhere is fine, let’s escape
ただ君に晴れ(Just a Sunny Day for You):
The most played song on Youtube by Yorushika
六月は雨上がりの街を書く(In June, I Write About the Town After the Rain):
From the だから僕は音楽を辞めた album, reading this lyrics I realized how insanely clever the title 藍二乗 (Ai Nijou) is.
My life right now is like i^2
Without you it becomes negative
都落ち(Leaving the Capital):
This one is just impossible to translate, so I borrowed someone else’s
Away from the world, splash of the head sea
Birds soaring afar, to the future beyond tomorrow
藍二乗(Deep Indigo):
The first song to the だから僕は音楽を辞めた album and also the first song of the Elma story, the lyrics basically reveal the core plot.
Life is about making one compromise after another
I knew that for a long time
Elma, it's you
Only you are my music
I think this song is underrated, and it keeps climbing the ranking. Alternatively translated as Fruits of the Earth, it is a homage to the novel of the same name by André Gide. A recurrent theme of letting go, with a lot of metaphors.
Isn’t there a beam of light illuminating your night this whole time?
Are you leaving nontheless?
それでいいから そのままでいいから
Well, that's fine. It's fine that way, so...
After you've finished reading everything, please open your eyes
この本を捨てよう 町へ出よう
Let’s throw away this book, and go out into the town.
This song is from another studio album 幻燈(Magic Lantern), where each song is loosely based on a novel. This is in my opinion based on Flowers for Algernon.
貴方はゆっくりと変わっていく とても小さく
Slowly you start to change, it's so tiny
like the shade growing in the middle of that tree
Slowly you start to run
Not afraid of the long maze ahead
Even while you will surely lose your way
斜陽(Setting Sun):
The opening to 僕の心のヤバイやつ. This song is a reference to Osamu Dazai’s novel of the same name.
Crimson sun softly casts on your cheeks
Our eyes stay shut towards the bursting setting sun
左右盲(Left Right Confusion):
n-buna: “Imagine your average breakup. With time, you slowly forget their face, manners and so on; I liken it to the feeling of ceasing to even distinguish between left and right—left-right confusion.”
Tearing the heart from my body piece by piece
君に渡して その全部をあげるから
Passing it over, giving you my everything
剣の柄からルビーを この瞳からサファイアを
A ruby from the hilt of my sword, a sapphire from my eyes
Just lay my leaden heart to the side
あの夏に咲け(Blooming in That Summer):
The 4th track of the album 夏草が邪魔をする, the “oh-oooh-whoa-oh” in “Cattleya” (2nd track of the same album) is also present in this song as well.
The flowers bloom when you walk
The sky weeps when you walk
And when you smile it makes me think of that distant summer
I want to draw your smiling face
夕立の中泣く君に 僕が言えるのなら
If I can say something to you as you cry in the evening rain
Let's go back to that summer again
風を食む(Eat the Wind):
Yet another great song in the Creation Album, of which there are already two (Top 2 songs from this list). The choreography of the MV is a bit bizzare.
棚の心は十五円 一つだけ売れ残った
My heart on the shelf is 15 yen, it is the only one remains unsold
I put a discount sticker on it and waited for closing time.
遂に心は半額 いつまでも売れ残って
Finally halving the price, yet my heart on the shelf remains unsold
テレビを眺めて空想 ニュースは希望のバーゲン
Watching the TV and daydreaming, the news is a bargain of hope
貴方は今日も買ってる 足りないものしか無くて
You are still buying today, nothing but incompleteness surrounds you
俯く手元で購入 空は高いのかな
Casting your eyes down as you make the purchase, I wonder if the sky is high
老人と海(Old Man and The Sea):
From the album だから僕は音楽を辞めた(That’s Why I gave up on music), an important installment as it is about Amy’s depression arising from an insecurity of both his talent and relation to Elma.
身体の奥 喉の真下
Deep inside my body, right beneath the throat
If I have a heart
You would probably reside there
雨とカプチーノ(Rain with Cappuccino):
This is the 4-th track in the エルマ(Elma) album, which is also the most Elma appeared in MV. The tune of the song really belies the actual tone of the lyrics.
Something has been strange for a long time
I just want you to teach me how to live
But I no longer have anything to repay you back with
If you can't answer me
Even a single word will be fine
I don't understand
I really don't understand
Second cour opening to 葬送のフリーレン.
心に穴が空いた(A Hole Opened Up in My Heart):
The titular エルマ(Elma) song, which is actually not in the エルマ album, but the penultimate song of the だから僕は音楽を辞めた album. The も rhyme stands out to me for some reason.
Exhausting and painful things, if I can't see then I won't have to know
I ran away with eyes closed
Onto a moonlit path
Even the narrow rooms and cold nights
眠い昼も 寂しい朝も
Even the sleepy afternoons and lonely mornings
I'm looking at your face through the words of goodbye
花人局(Flower and Badger Game):
I was sleeping on this song until I watched the live rendering of 花人局 along with 春泥棒:
The flower and badger game seems like it's elusive as the drifting cloud
No one's coming still as the sun sets
Setting sun shines through the window into this lonely room
Leaving only me behind, who knows nothing
OMG, suis’ voice is so deep. Part of the 盗作(Plagiarism) Album.
I'm struck by a flurry of words
The winter sneaks in while I'm still holding the autumn dear in my heart
One more smoke appears from behind the mountain in spring
And the summer breeze gently strokes my cheeks
夜行(Night Journey):
This is used as an insert song in the anime movie 泣きたい私は猫をかぶる.
君立つ夏原 髪は靡くまま 泣くや雨催い夕 夕 夕
You stand in the summer field with your hair fluttering, weeping under the dark-clouded twilight, twilight, twilight
Summer is ending, isn’t it?
Is that how it is?
We’ve become adults, haven’t we?
負け犬にアンコールはいらない(Losers don’t need an encore):
言って(Say it):
Honorable Mentions:
夜明けと蛍(Dawn and Firefly): Not a song by Yorushika, but n-buna himself.
花降らし(Falling FLower): This is actually the first song from this entire list I know, but at the time I have no idea this is written by n-buna
平行線(Parallel Lines): Suis with EVE
Some more Yorushika arts, or from related movies.
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