Generating meeting presentation slides


Download the following

Create a markdown file

A MD file which we call, with a very simple header

title: "Markdown"
author: Sidong Guo
date: Tuesday, Jan 31, 2023
duration: 75
published: false
slideNumber: true
theme: uncover
width: 1600
height: 1000
transition: fade

Followed by some content

## No.1

- line 1
- line 2

## No.1

- line 3
- $4$

Generate Presentation

We put everything in the Markdown folder with


Go to the Markdown directory with the following command

pandoc -s --mathjax -i -t revealjs Slides/ -V revealjs-url=reveal.js -o MD.html

To create the MD.html which one can display in Chrome

For more advanced feature, see Plugins and Tutorial.

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