Sidong Guo

Center for Signal and Information Processing. Telecom .

442 Tech Square Research Building 85 5th St NW 5206 Centergy 100 75 5th St NW GA, 30308

Ph.D in Electrical and Computer Engineering advised by Prof. Matthieu Bloch.

My research interests are broad, but 80% of them go nowhere. Currently, my researches are on Information Theory in context of wireless sensing and communication. My backgrounds are in communication theory and signal processing as applied to communication. I am interested in theoretical analysis of fundamental challenges in wireless communication in providing intuitions for practical systems. Thus, from time to time I step out of fantasy land to work on building hardwares and systems.

Previously, I received my BS in Electrical Engineering with highest honors in 2022, also at Tech. My BS/MS advisor is Prof. Xiaoli Ma, and my thesis titled “Performance Analysis and Algorithm Design for Chirp-based Multicarrier Systems,” which involves the use of non-linear transform basis in multicarrier systems and its related algorithms and performance characterizations.

Specifically, my researches include:

  • Digital Signal Processing (As applied for communication): Lattice reduction (lattice theory), estimation and detection theory, super-resolution methods.
  • Communication Theory: Algorithm design and performance characterization for multicarrier systems (DAFT,OCDM,OFDM): e.g., Diversity and coding gain analysis, CFO estimation algorithms, Adaptive Modulation, Equalization …
  • Information and Coding Theory: Information-theoretic joint communication and sensing (JCAS), physical layer security, information theory and adaptive hypothesis testing
  • Hardware: Learning-based JCAS network design, GNURadio/Software defined radio timing-based indoor localization based on OFDM (This is part of my involvement in VIP and AFRL).

Non-academic interests:

  • Philosophy and Common Law.
  • Tennis. Played for over 10 years. I consider myself a 4.5 player.
  • Strategic games including Chess (2000 rated) and Gwent: the Witcher Card Game, where I was the World Champion.


Jul 14, 2024 New chess accomplishment unlocked
May 12, 2024 Media gallery added, check out my photos from past travels
May 11, 2024 Several Repo Privatized
Apr 21, 2024 I am pivoting, ask me why
Mar 07, 2024 Using my own image so that I can never get copyrighted

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